If you buy an msds book from us, we organized msds binders into three basic sections. The first of which, the hazard communications policy itself is further divided into three sections.The three basic sections of our msds binders are as follows.
The written hazard communication policy is always first section of the msds binder and it has three sections itself. In the first section it names the person responsible for maintaining the book and tells him or her exactly what is expected of them to keep it complaint with OSHAs hazard communication standard. Other information that is required by OSHA is also included in the first section.
The second section of the hazcom policy describes to the employee how to use an msds sheet and all the other necessary information that OSHA requires the employee to know.
The third part of the hazcom policy is of course the inventory list, or index of all the material safety data sheets that fill the book.
Right after our written hazard communication policy, and index, are all of the safety data sheets that you have collected. Each page is numbered and corresponds to the index in the hazard communication policy. If your msds binder will have several different categories each category should have its own index, and the index at the end of the hazard communication policy would act as a master index.
In the back of your msds binder you could include any of the publications that OSHA would require your responsible individual to at least be familiar with.
Everything related to your hazard communications policy, and OSHAs hazard communication standard is together and in an organized fashion.